Friday, March 6, 2015

I'm a spiritual blogger now

Hello, dear friends. Would  you mind if I silently tip toe back over here and start writing again? Could you ignore the fact my last post was over three years ago. And while I have you turning a blind eye, could we perhaps just  start all over again? Like ignore my previous vulgar tirades and posts about cats because, NAMASTE Y'ALL! I've arisen from the ashes and returned anew as a spiritual blogger!  Yes! It's exactly like if the Dalai Lama had a blog,  only he was  super lazy and selectively practised what he preached like 30% of the time, and still lived with his parents. And sometimes liked dancing to filthy gangster music. Exactly the same.

I have practised mindfulness in some form or another for about five years, which started with  the purchase of Ekhart Tolle's book, The Power of Now. I thought it might be fun  to share with you my spiritual experience so far - a journey which can only be described as tumultuous and at times annoying, haphazard and so damn frustrating and why the hell am I doing this again? However, I feel the glimpses of peace I have had so far are just too good not  to share with you all. Being present, always acting from a place of stillness (love), learning to step aside out of my own way and relinquishing control (ego) are a few of the essential teachings I have identified in The Power of Now. When I do the aforementioned, I experience life as an epileptic fit of fist pumps and high fives. Life is joyous and full of love. When I don't, things go wrong. Like seriously wrong. Like  how my sister bashed me up the other day and I tried to attack back by pulling her pants down wrong.

In terms of measuring how far one has come in their spiritual practice, there is something incredibly sobering  about realising that you made a conscious decision to pull someone's pants down mid-fight. Even if that someone is your sister. And even  if you were technically practising a very loose form of non-violent resistance. Setting aside for the moment that this episode of sibling on sibling violence is just  straight up embarrassing (my sister and  I have a combined age of 58), more than anything, it is frustrating. But I am human, and as humans  tend to be, we are notoriously wary of change, even  change that is clearly  good for us.

 Although now at least, when I feel a  particular wave of angst, frustration, desperation or depression  come over me I can acknowledge that I have veered off track (albeit after the fact) and have momentarily placed something else above my spiritual practice (the need to be right, identifying with a particular external situation, role or circumstance etc).

And for now at least, that is a good  step in the right direction.


  1. I definitely do not mind you tip toeing back into the blogging sphere - you certainly appear to have taken your writing style to a new fantastic level of sophistication!! I love your focus on mindfulness and spirituality - such an interesting topic - and your very insightful approach to the post... perfectly balanced with your trademark sassy humour and wit!! I can't wait for your next post :)

  2. Hey girl! I just received an email & thought it was spam! I hope you're well. I've also been going down a spiritual path for few years now. It's been slow.. very slow. I'm still egocentric as I've been tested lately and I realised I have a long way to go. Lets go to a vegan restaurant some time together!

  3. Thanks Chels, you are too kind! Love the support!

  4. Hi J! Haha I'm so glad you didn't delete the email and found yourself here. Looking forward to sharing the journey together and getting our spiritual on!
