Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cheap filofax refills

You guys, have a look at my present!

I ordered it last week whilst putzing around ebay looking for a cheap filofax refill.

I must admit, there is nothing more I love in this world than pretending to look like a supremely organised schmutz face. The schmutz face part? Let me assure you, homegirl's got that down pat. Supremely organised? Well. Let's just say I've tried, I really have.

It started with my lovely red filofax which I picked up several years ago from the city Oxfam shop for a bargain price of  $20.00. Let me just say that I adore this filofax. She's so durable and so pretty to look at (sidenote: if you're looking for fabulous, unique stationary then check Oxfam out - the knick knacks make for great presents too!). 

Of course I then needed to get her some refills. So I ended up getting these. And year after year I've been using these same old refills. And year after year, strangely enough, I've not been using my beloved filofax.

Why, I hear you ask? Well, these regulation refills are just so boring. And with its tyrannical times new roman font constantly thinking it's the boss of me, it literally makes me not want to open my filofax. Sad, I know.

These new Dodo Pad refills, on the other hand, are what my old refills would look like if they were on horse tranquilzers. So bright! So animated! So full of random nonsensical sayings! Here, have a look.

Seriously, I dare you not to smile (or at least smirk).

Um, Lady Chatterly's dodo? Ha! Just go with it.


  1. This is awesome! I love your Dodo diary inserts. And you are right, your red Filofax is gorgeous!!

  2. Oh thank you Laurie :) Just had a wander of your blog, I must say, what a fab filofax blog!
