Friday, March 18, 2022

Spiritual troubleshooting

The following concern is from a reader who is having difficulty applying esoteric, spiritual principles to  her real life property dilemma.

The reader is seeking to procure a house, to live in for herself and her family. Her current property - a rental - while quaint and serves it's purpose, curiously does not contain a single cupboard or storage facility of any kind - something that has seemingly irked the reader for some time. She has been searching for over two years high and low, with no avail. 

She purchased a land with a derelict home approximately a year ago, with the hopes of demolishing and building anew. For reasons that are unclear to the writer, the parcel of land was sold recently, for a handsome profit. Yet the fact remains, although now financially somewhat endowed, the reader remains without her desired home and without cupboard. 

 The principles of spirituality might demand we ask the following questions: Is the acquiring of property - any property -  a desire borne out of ego? Does the current temperature of the property market have any bearing on this acquisition at all? Does Ekhart Tolle hold a property portfolio?

 The aformentioned questions aside, if we start from the basics and begin with this post , we are  alerted to the first state of bringing anything in our lives, which is complete acceptance for one's current state. This does not mean we have to like it, although we do have to accept it. For this reader, gratitude, may also help in the facilitating acceptance. Namely,  acknowledging that her current residence provides ample shelter, is situated in a nice area etc.  

In an effort to glean insight into readers's state of gratitude, I am sharing here private communications from 9 March 2022 where the reader, in speaking about her desire to purchase a new home, states "Give me a fucking cupboard, for fuk sake"(sik).

It is abundantly clear there is scant gratitude to be found here. Gratitude is so basic, that  often times, it is the most simplest things we overlook in our militant desire to bring things into our lives.

Assuming the reader embodies gratitude, we will continue to dissect the situation the reader finds herself. The reader does not have her desired property for want of trying. For instance, she placed an offer for a property, one of many,  that the reader herself describes as "bla". The real estate agent, in conveying the rejection of the offer, reassuringly stated "Don't worry you can sleep peacefully at night knowing you were nowhere near to getting it".   Every occasion presents itself for learnings, and here, the real estate agent serve as a spiritual teacher of the highest order.  "You missed out on this occasion" would have sufficed but this was clearly not the intended  message from the universe vis-a- vi the real estate agent.  Rather, the message  here is one of spectacular lack, and perhaps even a level of unworthiness, which I  implore the reader to explore further in her own time.

It is clear there is a real barrier, a roadblock of sorts - something very much standing in  the way of the reader and her desired property.

First, there appears to be a real, crude attachment to an object here - in this case a home with cupboards.  The reader - through  both mindset and action - appears spectacularly desperate. Specifically, it would not be amiss in assumingthe reader is thinking  'There isn't enough inventory of houses  suffiicently furnished with cupboards on the market for me. 'In the whole of the world, there is not a home that will suit my particular and unique needs.' 

The reader must relinquish this supreme attachment to her future home. Rejection of offers for potential houses will still be painful, difficult to stomach - but there will not be  this sense of existential anguish associated with it. There will be instead "I got rejected, I am fine. I am not the house". Interestingly, once this attachment is reliquinshed, the reader will be able to expand the realm of possibility for her desired home - in other words, dream greater - because  the concept and idea of "home with cupboards" no longer has a constrictive hold on her.

What practical steps could one offer this reader instead? I would suggest  focus on the feelings she wants to embody when she finally does attain her future home. Feelings of comfort, space, safety etc safe. I would then urge to find those feelings in any aspect of her life currently and  go forth in the search.

I hope this helps and I look forward to your update soon!

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