The other morning I was munching on my muesli and listening to the words of my personal guru/white Oprah, Louise Hay, when she mentioned that people often labour under a belief that they need to “help people”. Ms Hay, in her extraordinarily simple and matter-of-fact wisdom goes on to astutely observe "But you are a people too”.
You are a people too. Truer (albeit grammatically incorrect) words have never been spoken.
In my early twenties – a stage of my life I like to fondly refer to as fucking BS (Before Spirituality) - I believed I needed to save everyone. I felt compelled to save the world, save the animals, save anyone and everything. I believe this mentality propelled many life decisions, including what to study at university and what jobs to take. However, over the years and through my spiritual learnings, I have now come to understand that there is little to be gained from crazy-ass, broken people running around trying to save the world or others . Rather, what the world needs is whole people - people who love themselves completely - walking the earth spreading their own light and leaving behind idelible footprints of peace via their actions and their presence.
When life was BS, I believed my desire to help others was inherently good, a goal worthy dedictaing my life to. And while it may be all these things, I have found these things alone cannot fuel a long term sustainable spreading of peace. I truly believe if we want to make the pursuit of helping others bear healthy, nourishing fruit we must first begin by looking inwards and cultivating peace within ourselves. This is how we save the world. In fact, I would argue that there is little utility in those who are spiritually devoid helping others in the long term . Aside from the short term practical assistance proffered to the recipient, there is no overall payoff that results in any meaningful, positive net gain to the world. How, then, should one go about helping or assisting others if that is what we feel compelled to do? I believe it should be done in a such a way that when the help is offered or the particular action is executed, it is laden with a charge that comes from a deep well of peace. And while there is nothing wrong by being moved by injustice, hurt or anger - these feelings cannot form the foundation of actions which contribute to overall peace in the world.
Interestingly, once I let go of this need to "save" and turned inwards, my life has continued to go from strength to strength. My dream job landed in my lap with practically no effort on my part. I got my apartment which I had been struggling to obtain years prior. And when I do help others - which is through the aforementioned dream job - there is no struggle, no bitterness, no anger that comes with performing the role. The ‘good’ fight is truly good!
Interestingly, once I let go of this need to "save" and turned inwards, my life has continued to go from strength to strength. My dream job landed in my lap with practically no effort on my part. I got my apartment which I had been struggling to obtain years prior. And when I do help others - which is through the aforementioned dream job - there is no struggle, no bitterness, no anger that comes with performing the role. The ‘good’ fight is truly good!
So, If it is peace that we seek in our world, we must task ourselves with the responsibility of truly taking care and helping ourselves first