Thursday, September 15, 2011

this bitch is makin' bank!

Everybody, come gather around nice and tight, I have some exciting news! Listening?  I gots a job!

Everything  happened so quickly. Less than 36 hours ago I was pacing up and down a marble-floored lobby like a twitchy, skinny crack addict waiting for my interview to begin. And now - just four hours ago to be exact - I finally pressed 'Send' on my formal acceptance-of-offer e-mail.

So, first things first. The new gig is at a law firm in Martin Place, right next door to Tiffany's. It's also across from the Channel 7 studios, so you can rest assured that I'll be doing the mandatory talking-on-the-the phone-and-waving-like-a-fuckin-pleb thing  outside the window at least once while I'm there.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

'T' is for Twinings (and also ta - tas)

I'm currently drinking Twinings 'Afternoon Tea' blend as I type this - and  I must say, it is most delicious! In fact, I think you should go and make some tea now. Go on, I'll wait.

So, how has your week been thus far? I hope it's going well. If you're reading this from Sydney, how good was today? I wish I had a non-primitive phone to capture all the amazing weather!

Also, I  wanted to share pictures of this desk I picked up at Ikea for just over $100.00.  The style is similar to that of the Parsons desk - plus, the two ends of the table extend out to form a freakin' four person dining table! Yeah, I know - did you just piss your pants too?

 Now, I'm just looking for the perfect, odd-bod upholstered chair for it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In my rear view mirror is the motherfucking law

I got a call this morning at 7:30 am from my sister,  "Ummmm, are you in jail?" she whispered softly.

As Saturday mornings go, this morning was particularly interesting. Yes, I had rung her and sent her a flurry of incomprehensive texts  last night at 10:00 pm, in a state of complete panic. Yes, it had been an emergency of sorts.  The police  had been called - oh yes -  the po po was involved, that was right. But no, I was sorry to say, I was not currently being housed at the Parklea Womens Correctional Facility.