Back when I got my first "real" job in 2006 at a multi-media firm in the city, I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams where my life would lead, almost 5 years later.
Perhaps a stint living overseas for a bit? Maybe finally moving out to my own new diggs?
Oh, how about we try STLL LIVING WITH THE OLDS AND UNEMPLOYED. And still asking to borrow the car with that really big bird shit on the driver's side window. Like, really, universe?
BUT I digress. My first job was a great opportunity to meet a bunch of creative and intressant folk, one being my former desk-neighbour and Flash developer extraordinaire, Cactus Girl. So the story is that she used to have a miniature cactus plant, perhaps no bigger than 5 cm in height, which she had smugly placed on the line of demarcation between our adjoining desks.
And like your average peeping tom neighbour, I would keenly observe as she used to, every so often, whip out a ruler and measure her cactus (that last sentence felt a bit dirty to type). Anyway, she would literally measure the plant's height with a ruler. She'd also sporadically move it around to make optimal use of the fluorescent lighting in our office and just generally act super weird with it.
I loved thy neighbour (and still do) - don't get me wrong - but alas, I bore a secret hatred for my neighbour's sinister looking plant.
Such disdain, if you really must know, was probably borne out of one unfortunate incident where the cactus molested my delicate thumb appendage and absolutely no hilarity ensued whatsoever. Sure, I might have been snooping around her desk when it happened (she was away sick so it was ok). But still, bonsai thorns hurt too! Even more so when you have a tiny appendage.
Anyway, a lot has transpired since those good ol' days - different jobs, changing relationships, new interests - but we've managed to keep in touch as life "happens".
For example, CG recently held an exhibition at the Global Gallery in Paddington, showcasing her exquisite ceramic artwork. I missed opening night (I was in London at the time), although I did manage to pop by on the last day to see for myself what all the hoo-ha was about.
And here, my blog readers, I present to you the hoo-ha, in all its magnificent ceramic glory:
I also wanted to share these lovely photos, of another former desk-neighbour, this time from the law firm I used to work at.
Miss C - "C" as in "Chuck-Norris-Bad-Ass" - participates in bouts of medieval fighting - as a girl is wont to do every now and then. How very bad ass.
Aren't these photos simply amazing? The ethereal Miss C just goes to show that medieval fighting is not exclusively the domain of 40-year-old-WOW-players and the butch.