Sunday, June 12, 2011

This stalker knows how to pick 'em

So remember that busker from this post? You know, I wrote about how much I loved this guy's, ahem, "energy" (yeah whatever, it's true). 

Well, turns out homeboy is a fully fledged muso with his own album! Like, with actual proper songs! And since hello zogi is known to teeter (yes, teeter) on the edge of musical consciousness, I thought I'd introduce him to the world.

His name is Michael Bevan, the song is "Hold on" and I should warn you, it is haunting as f**k (oh yes, even  the most purest forms of art can ultimately be reduced to its very basic 4-word vulgarity form. Three years of studying philosophy, RIGHT HERE, people.)

So, I might  be about 5 years late on this guy,  but even still, can somebody listen to this song and explain to me why he is still busking on the corner Ultimo Rd in Chinatown? Especially next to that hobo who pimps out his dog (fun fact: when the money bowl gets full, the entrepreneurial hobo comes darting around the corner, single-handedly swoops up the loot and then legs it back to his hiding spot, all under 30 seconds flat).

Just more evidence that the world is an unfair place.